Please pass on the plastic

Just another weblog

A Beginning, An End, and a Beginning May 4, 2010

Filed under: healthy home,no more plastic — michelleodonoghue @ 5:25 pm

In 40 days we will move back to NY  (after 21 mos living in California). We are filled with so many emotions over this, but mostly we are happy to be moving back to our roots… put down roots. Mike knew this back in January when I was sure I wanted to stay for another year. I love when he knows something I don’t and I love even more that it is really easy to trust him on some of the “big” decisions in life. So, with misty eyes and a very emotional heart, I’ve decided to capture our last 40 days here so that they will be imprinted in our lives forever.

California has given us a fresh beginning in our lives and as our days here come to an end, we know and trust they will lead us to even brighter beginnings in NY! I’ve learned to take time to smell the roses……

Today, I woke up to these flowers in our back yard……

roses in my yard

and filled every room of my house with vases….(this is green, right? nothing store bought, plastic-free, the theme continues….)

California vases fill our house

I took the time to smell the roses! (and the camilla, and lillies, and mums, and hydrangea….) Such a happy end result!


5 Responses to “A Beginning, An End, and a Beginning”

  1. Juli Says:

    I hope you will continue to blog when you are in NYC! The more the merrier; it would be great to have another use-less-plastic voice here. And I am curious about the differences you’ll find in reducing plastic in NYC vs. California.

  2. Erin & Pete Says:

    Love the photographs! What a beautiful thing to do, fill the house with backyard roses. Selfishly, I am so happy you’ll be setting down your new-old roots back in New York. We’ve missed you all so much. Besides, the east coast REALLY needs your green vision.

  3. patty walrath Says:

    Maybe we can plant a few of your favorite roses or other flowers on the East Coast to remind you (and us) ,of your time spent in California, as part of your life’s journey. We too, love the fact that you will be close to all of us now and this part of the country needs your voices on going green All of our experiences and adventures help us to build solid foundations and provide some of our strength to carry us through life. Thanks for all the beautiful pictures.

  4. Chrissy Says:

    If I am crying on Day 40 of your blog, what kind of mess do you think I will be on Day 1.

    On behalf of the Californians whose lives you have all enriched, we are excited for you to head back to your roots and families but sad we will no longer see you in the neighborhood.

    We are blessed to have had you for 21 months. It has been a life changing friendship and I can’t tell you how much we appreciate each and every one of you.

    Day 40 watching the kids hockey victory was time well spent. We are looking forward to what the next 39 days has in store. Not that you have to spend every one of them with us. But my kids say that your kids will have to!

    XOXO, The Twichells (Chrissy, John, Hank and Hadley)

  5. regina Says:

    always good to smell the fruits of the earth, so glad you gifted yourself with the time! xx

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